Sunday, March 7, 2010

Escape from Cologne airport to Turkey

Paderborn - Ali Kur (29), the suspected murderer of the little Kardelen (8), has fled shortly after the crime in Turkey. Like now, it was revealed the 29-year-old will be flown with his wife from the airport Cologne-Bonnaus to Izmir in western Turkey.
A police spokesman in Paderborn, said: "It has been in touch einHinweisgeber who gefahrenhat the man to the airport Cologne-Bonn, where he was flown to Izmir."
Together with the Turkish authorities, the German investigators now want to find out is where Ali cure after his arrival in Izmirgereist, it said. Treatment is searched with an international arrest warrant.
In the event of his arrest, Ali cure would be delivered vermutlichnicht to Germany.
As the "Neue Westfälische" amDonnerstag reported in its online edition, the Turkish authorities determine their German colleagues have formellmitgeteilt that in the case of an arrest, intending to carry out eineigenständiges procedures in Turkey.
A police spokesman, however, stressed that one can not know whether the alleged murderer currently actually be staying in Turkey.
According to the "Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" of the alleged offender's friends brought him two days after the crime to the Cologne-Bonn airport. The friend from Herne had known nothing of seinermutmaßlichen perpetrator. Health resided until 2007, Angabenzufolge in Herne Wanne-Eickel district.
One of the witnesses told the paper he had on 13 January - one days after the fact - a call from AliKur preserved. This had prompted him cure, pick him up from the Paderborn-based station. He must now travel to Turkey because his dortlebender father was seriously ill.
Witnesses want the cure ehepaar last seen on the day after the murder of Zeugenmit a rolling suitcase in the neighborhood. On 14 January um02.00 K. Clock at night will then be flown with his wife from Cologne / Bonnaus to Izmir. The father of the possible perpetrator inAydin lives in western Turkey, about 80 kilometers from Izmir.
DerTürke lives since 2001 in Germany. Since 2002 he has been married to his 26Jahre old woman. A complicity of the police Ehefrauschließt not completely out.
The trace analysis of the home of Ali freifelsfrei Health has now revealed that there was Kardelen abused and murdered.
More convicted murder case Kardelen: DNA killer Kardelen> Kardelen. Was it a serial killer? > Kardelen was sexually abused and suffocated>