Friday, March 26, 2010

City rescues 500 children

Cologne - Der kleine Nils G. (name changed): In the middle of the night the father came home drunk as usual. He took the four-year olds out of bed, went and beat him black and blue. The teacher called the next day the "Gefährdungsmeldungssofortdienst" (GSD), which enjoyed by catchy test the child in care.
Not an isolated case: it had 140 children in the last four months, saved from violence werden.Das project has been running since March in the districts Rodenkirchen, Kalk, Mülheim and center with 22 employees. "We have 2000 messages to receive threats. In over 500 cases, the situation was acute, "says Klaus-Peter Völlmecke by the youth," 140 times, we have the children taken into care. "
Then were children of fathers, mothers or both beaten black and blue, they have been sexually abused, were malnourished or living in unsanitary conditions, catastrophic. Often, alcohol and drugs were involved.
The messages came from observant teachers in kindergartens, teachers, sports coaches, relatives, neighbors, friends, police. And often the children themselves
The children were taken away from her parents received a medical examination and then were either returned home or to a foster family. "In many of these cases the children after some time return to their parents," says Völlmecke. "But these families are visited by us a week to daily. One can not escape. "
The city gives these families' support for education, sending teachers and social workers to monitor, supervise and check that the children are doing well.