Friday, March 26, 2010

City rescues 500 children

Cologne - Der kleine Nils G. (name changed): In the middle of the night the father came home drunk as usual. He took the four-year olds out of bed, went and beat him black and blue. The teacher called the next day the "Gefährdungsmeldungssofortdienst" (GSD), which enjoyed by catchy test the child in care.
Not an isolated case: it had 140 children in the last four months, saved from violence werden.Das project has been running since March in the districts Rodenkirchen, Kalk, Mülheim and center with 22 employees. "We have 2000 messages to receive threats. In over 500 cases, the situation was acute, "says Klaus-Peter Völlmecke by the youth," 140 times, we have the children taken into care. "
Then were children of fathers, mothers or both beaten black and blue, they have been sexually abused, were malnourished or living in unsanitary conditions, catastrophic. Often, alcohol and drugs were involved.
The messages came from observant teachers in kindergartens, teachers, sports coaches, relatives, neighbors, friends, police. And often the children themselves
The children were taken away from her parents received a medical examination and then were either returned home or to a foster family. "In many of these cases the children after some time return to their parents," says Völlmecke. "But these families are visited by us a week to daily. One can not escape. "
The city gives these families' support for education, sending teachers and social workers to monitor, supervise and check that the children are doing well.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spiritual healer brought ill fortune to

Bonn - A fortune teller in the dock: 100,000 euros went Z. marina (25) of a chronically sick from his pocket. The miracle healer had promised her: "So that I can rid of your bewitched by a black magician disease again."
And the 42-year-old speech therapist had actually believed the spirit healer. The Bonnerin is already strongly inclined toward the esoteric. She had complained to the young woman her grief: "I have physical ailments, but no doctor can help me."
Z. marina could. And offered assistance an.Ihre "diagnosis" of the speech therapist apparently opened his eyes. Someone had invested 200,000 euros extra for a black magician to make it a anhexen disease. But do not worry: this curse could of course cancel Z. marina. Therefore only some change was needed, she gets back again after the recovery, of course: € 100,000.
The 42-year-old was paying, but instead of money from the miracle healer, she got a Warnanruf by the police - too late. The officials had monitored the phone to the spirit healer. Because: Only weeks before the witch-point plundered Z. marina had a severely ill 52-year-old.
The multiple sclerosis sufferers, they had about vorgejammert, her children would go hungry because they can not pay the housing deposit. With the compassion she took a tour of the hospital in four months, 60,000 euros from his pocket. A relative of the patient eventually filed a complaint.
Prosecutor Patrick Buthe: "The money is gone. Good for backers abroad. "20,000 euro has recovered Z. marina, but the speech therapist. "I now have debts," said the miracle healer, as she apologized in court for their sacrifice. "Me too," said the 42-year-old.
The jury sentenced the defendant relevant previous convictions for fraud in a very serious case to 22 months jail on probation.
Not the first case - only a few weeks ago zockt a supposed fortune teller from 31,000 euros (EXPRESS reported>).

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The policewomen masquerading as a man-killer?

Heilbronn - The suspected killer of Heilbronn-policewomen always leaves fresh tracks, but a face you can assign the police still do not.
Now the officials surprise with a bizarre theory: The mysterious phantom killer is possibly to disguise as a man.
Proposing to officials about the murderer in this way always a cheat? Absurd this theory is not, witnesses observed at several crime scenes, have been discovered recently in which DNA traces of the phantom killer, only men - but no female person. At the recent discovery of genetic material after a brutal robbery in an Angel clubhouse in the Saar told the victim only by men.
"It is quite possible that the person sought is very masculine, very manly, in addition dresses," said Peter Lechner of the Special Commission to the Heilbronner EXPRESS. "Several experts have analyzed the DNA traces. They are uniquely female. A man may, according to the physicians have no female DNA characteristics. "
The woman could hide, so either a man or she is already one - through a sex change. "Even a transsexual can not be excluded as the perpetrator," says Lechner. "Witnesses should certainly not alone in holding out for a woman." He hopes soon as possible to give a face to the phantom. No matter whether male or female traits.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Escape from Cologne airport to Turkey

Paderborn - Ali Kur (29), the suspected murderer of the little Kardelen (8), has fled shortly after the crime in Turkey. Like now, it was revealed the 29-year-old will be flown with his wife from the airport Cologne-Bonnaus to Izmir in western Turkey.
A police spokesman in Paderborn, said: "It has been in touch einHinweisgeber who gefahrenhat the man to the airport Cologne-Bonn, where he was flown to Izmir."
Together with the Turkish authorities, the German investigators now want to find out is where Ali cure after his arrival in Izmirgereist, it said. Treatment is searched with an international arrest warrant.
In the event of his arrest, Ali cure would be delivered vermutlichnicht to Germany.
As the "Neue Westfälische" amDonnerstag reported in its online edition, the Turkish authorities determine their German colleagues have formellmitgeteilt that in the case of an arrest, intending to carry out eineigenständiges procedures in Turkey.
A police spokesman, however, stressed that one can not know whether the alleged murderer currently actually be staying in Turkey.
According to the "Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" of the alleged offender's friends brought him two days after the crime to the Cologne-Bonn airport. The friend from Herne had known nothing of seinermutmaßlichen perpetrator. Health resided until 2007, Angabenzufolge in Herne Wanne-Eickel district.
One of the witnesses told the paper he had on 13 January - one days after the fact - a call from AliKur preserved. This had prompted him cure, pick him up from the Paderborn-based station. He must now travel to Turkey because his dortlebender father was seriously ill.
Witnesses want the cure ehepaar last seen on the day after the murder of Zeugenmit a rolling suitcase in the neighborhood. On 14 January um02.00 K. Clock at night will then be flown with his wife from Cologne / Bonnaus to Izmir. The father of the possible perpetrator inAydin lives in western Turkey, about 80 kilometers from Izmir.
DerTürke lives since 2001 in Germany. Since 2002 he has been married to his 26Jahre old woman. A complicity of the police Ehefrauschließt not completely out.
The trace analysis of the home of Ali freifelsfrei Health has now revealed that there was Kardelen abused and murdered.
More convicted murder case Kardelen: DNA killer Kardelen> Kardelen. Was it a serial killer? > Kardelen was sexually abused and suffocated>

Monday, March 1, 2010

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